Episode 126: Ben Goldfarb - Crossings

Ben Goldfarb is an independent conservation journalist and award-winning author of books that include Crossings: How Road Ecology Is Shaping the Future of Our Planet. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Ben describes how roads have transformed our planet and disrupted the natural order of wildlife throughout the United States and around the world. As our planet’s road network continues to grow exponentially, the science of road ecology has become increasingly vital to the future of all living beings.

Episode 125: Boyce Upholt - The Great River

Boyce Upholt is a “nature critic” and author whose writing explores the relationship between humans and the natural world, especially in the U.S. South. Originally from Connecticut, Upholt moved to the Mississippi Delta in 2009, where he discovered an unexpected wilderness amid an agricultural empire: the Mississippi River. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Boyce describes the natural and human histories of the wild and unruly Mississippi River and the centuries of human efforts to control it. Ambitious and sometimes contentious programs of engineering -- government-built levees, jetties, dikes, and dams -- has not only damaged once-vibrant ecosystems but may not work much longer.

Episode 124: Nadina Galle - The Nature of Our Cities

Nadina Galle is an ecological engineer and technologist dedicated to working with urban ecologists and planners to apply current and developing technologies to improve urban ecosystems for future generations. Best known for her pioneering work on the "Internet of Nature" (IoN), a global movement that harnesses emerging technologies to create nature-rich communities, she is also the author of the book The Nature of Our Cities. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Nadina discusses how her cross-cultural background informed her passion for nature and career pursuits, as well as some of the ways innovators from around the world are integrating urban nature with emerging technologies to protect our cities from the effects of climate change, while raising awareness and a sense of stewardship of nature within the population.

Episode 123: Craig Kauffman - Rights of Nature

Craig Kauffman is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Oregon, and a member of the United Nations Knowledge Network on Harmony with Nature. He is also the co-author of the book The Politics of Rights of Nature - Strategies for Building a More Sustainable Future. With the window of opportunity to take meaningful action on climate change and mass extinction closing, more and more communities, organizations, and governments around the world are calling for Rights of Nature (RoN) to be legally recognized. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Craig discusses how these Rights of Nature laws are helping to reframe our perspective of the rights of the natural world, and transforming governance to address environmental crises through more ecologically sustainable approaches to development.

Episode 122: Yolonda Youngs - Our National Parks

Yolonda Youngs is an Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at CSU San Bernardino and a dedicated scholar, teacher, researcher, and leader. Her scholarly expertise lies within national parks and protected areas, environmental justice, conservation of natural resources, environmental policy, cultural landscapes, and more. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Yolonda discusses all things National Parks including how they help shape our relationship to nature and the environment, the geographic and environmental principles they represent, their wide variety, the people and programs in place to maintain them, and the challenges they face for the future.

Episode 121: Zoë Schlanger - The Light Eaters

Zoë Schlanger is a staff writer at the Atlantic and an award-winning journalist covering science, health and the environment. Her recent book The Light Eaters is a narrative investigation into the new science of plant intelligence and sentience. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Zoë discusses eye-opening facts about the life of plants and their ingenious biological methods of adaptation and survival. From their ability to communicate, recognize their kin and behave socially, react to sounds, and morph their bodies to blend into their surroundings, plants display an extraordinary system of intelligence that challenges us to rethink the role of plants—and our own place—in the natural world.

Episode 120: Douglas H. Chadwick - The Wolverine

Douglas H. Chadwick is an American wildlife biologist, author, photographer and frequent National Geographic contributor. He is the author of 14 books including The Wolverine Way and more than 200 articles on wildlife and wild places. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Douglas talks about his experiences with wolverines and the Glacier Wolverine Project, a 5-year study to uncover key missing information about the wolverine's habitat, social structure and mating habits. From dealing with blizzards, grizzlies, sheer mountain walls, and other daily challenges to survival, he and a team of volunteers tracked this elusive species to better understand it and the forces that threaten its future.

Episode 119: Greg Sarris - The Forgetters

Greg Sarris is an author, professor, and is the Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and the current Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Greg discusses his latest work, The Forgetters, a richly beautiful story cycle about remembering our shared histories and repairing the world. Recounting his early years, to discovering his native american heritage, Greg explains how stories and language are what makes us human, and how the lessons contained in the the stories of our indigenous ancestors contain the blueprints for a survivable future through a reconnection with nature and each other.

Episode 118: Leila Philip - Beaverland

Leila Philip is an American writer, poet and educator. She is the author of numerous award-winning books of nonfiction, as well as poetry, contributing articles, reviews and columns. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Leila discusses the beaver, the topic of her latest book Beaverland - How One Weird Rodent Made America. Though historical examples and a poignant personal narrative, Leila highlights how this tenacious animal plays an oversized role in American history, the environment, and its future.

Episode 117: Roger L. Di Silvestro - Return of the Bison

Author Roger L Di Silvestro is a professional conservationist, a former editor and writer for the National Audubon Society, and also worked for Defenders of Wildlife and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Roger discusses the topic of his latest book Return of the Bison, which tells the story of how this symbol of the American West was once almost lost to history and of the continuing journey to bring the bison back from the brink. Weaving in natural history and interesting historical contexts, along with the key role of America’s Indigenous people, Roger describes the complex history of the bison’s decimation and how a rising awareness of their possible extinction formed the roots of many modern wildlife conservation approaches.

Episode 116: Rosanna Xia - California Against the Sea

Rosanna Xia is an environmental reporter for the  Los Angeles Times, specializing in stories about the coast and ocean.  A Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2020 for explanatory reporting, her work has been anthologized in the  Best American Science and Nature Writing  series. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Rosanna discusses her book California Against the Sea, and the future of California's vanishing coastline in the face of rising water. The impacts of engineered landscapes, the market pressures of development, and the ecological activism and political scrimmages that have carved California's contemporary coastline are all factors clashing with the escalating effects of climate chaos. Is an equitable refashioning of coastal stewardship possible?

Episode 115: Geoff Nicholson - The Right To Roam

Geoff Nicholson is a British novelist and non-fiction writer known for subject matter concerning the relationship between people and things, which necessarily encompasses, consumerism, materialism, collecting, notions of value and fetishism. Two of his books, Walking on Thin Air (2023) and The Lost Art of Walking (2009) involve one of Nicholson's favorite pastimes: walking. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Geoff discusses what walking means to him, the Right to Roam laws enacted in the UK, walking as a feature in literature, and how walking is a profoundly universal aspect of what makes us human, social creatures, and engaged with the world.

Episode 114: Osprey Orielle Lake - The Story is in Our Bones

Osprey Orielle Lake is the Founder and Director of Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network, International (WECAN). She works with grassroots, Indigenous and business leaders, policy-makers and scientists to promote climate justice, resilient communities, and a just transition to a clean energy future. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Osprey discusses her new book The Story is in Our Bones - How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis. Weaving together ecological, mythical, political and cultural understandings, Lake reminds us that another world is possible, and seeks to summon a new way of being and thinking in the Anthropocene age.

Episode 113: Laura J. Martin- Wild By Design

Laura J. Martin is a prize-winning author, historian, and ecologist who studies how people shape the habitats of other species. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Scientific American, Slate, and The Atlantic. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Laura discusses her book Wild by Design: The Rise of Ecological Restoration, which delves into the history, science, and philosophy of designing natural places and creating wild species. Over time, ecologists, interest groups, and government agencies have coalesced around a mode of environmental management that seeks to respect the world-making and decision-making of other species, but is it possible to design nature without destroying wildness? Laura asks us what it means to be wild and calls for ecological restoration that is socially just.

Episode 112: Gary Paul Nabhan - Agave Spirits

Gary Paul Nabhan is an agricultural ecologist, ethnobotanist, and award-winning author whose work focuses primarily on the plants and cultures of the desert American Southwest. Considered a pioneer in the local food movement and the heirloom seed saving movement, he is the author of many books including Agave Spirits, which explores the world of Mezcal production. In this episode of Nature Revisited, Gary introduces us to mezcal’s sacred dimensions, ceremonial uses, probiotic benefits, and its deep-rooted cultural traditions. Distinct from other spirits due to its variety, mezcal is derived from numerous agave species and crafted through traditional methods that incorporate local flavors and elements, resulting in a unique “taste of place.”